Monday, May 30, 2016

Know all about VIRGO sign

Know all about
Virgo Sign is of dual nature. The element of Virgo sign is earth. The planetary lord of Virgo is Mercury. The symbol of Virgo sign is of a virgin woman who is holding cereals in her hand along with a harp, and on other hand there is flame and she is sitting in a boat. If we try to analyze this symbol then there is cereals in her one hand which indicates fertility, and harp indicates interest towards music. On the other hand there is flame in her hand that indicates that she is sailing in a boat and trying to search the way or path for her life. Which means she is not dependable on others. She is moving ahead looking at the way.
Virgo people will never take risk blindly. They will take risk in a calculative manner. The main quality of Virgo sign is love. But there love will always be conditional. In simple words they like give and take policy. They will give love only if they will get love in return. They always go deep in love and even they will think that they are made for each other. They will always want others also to believe in the same as they believe in anything. Virgo sign are related to character and loyalty and if others will try to spoil any one of these then they will not like it. Even they don’t know how to hide their dislike from others. Virgo people will always try to find mistakes in everything and due to this they will not be satisfied with others fully.
Virgo people are generally of medium or below medium height. The body structure of most of them is thin. Virgo people are mostly talkative and they can’t control on their tongue. There will be sincerity in their speech. Virgo sign people are mostly straight forward. Virgo are of loving nature. They are meticulous, enthusiastic and they have special interest towards art and culture. They will always wish for fame and status in their field of study and work. If they won’t get fame and status then they will be depressed and slowly they will lose interest in that particular field of study or work. They don’t like to go in deep in their field of study or work rather they like and wish for fame and status in that same field of study or work.
As you all know that the planetary lord of Virgo is Mercury and main quality of Mercury is logic. Henceforth they will always look for logic in everything in their life. They will not accept anything until and unless they are satisfied with the logic. Virgo’s are very smart and due to this they will think a lot in their mind. But they can’t take proper decision. As mentioned earlier that Virgo sign are of dual nature. Sometimes they will think a lot that they can’t take proper decision. They use to analyze al lot that they can’t reach to their final decision. They like to study the elementary subject. They want that wherever they go they should be recognized and others should respect their qualities.
The earth element is of Virgo sign and because of that they are self centered and selfish. They get their work done using their mind in a selfish way. Due to Mercury as their lord they generally don’t like to get involved in unwanted issues. They like to do straight forward work. They like to do work using their brain rather than hard work using their body. They believe in taking calculative risk. Most of them like to do job. If they are into business then they take calculative risk.  Because of this they make a steady income in business. Mostly you won’t be able to see lot of up and down in their business.
They are very emphatatic but there will be no longer steadiness. Their hobbies keep on changing. They can’t concentrate on a particular subject for a longer time. They have good hold on language and their speeches use to be very attractive and impressive. The sentence they follow is “Give & Take” in their life. If I had given you then you also return the same. They like to travel a lot, they are fond of delicious food. They like to do work that needs brain activity rather than hard work using body. They are good at planning and management. They don’t like politics. Due to this they don’t like politicians. They are very sensitive from inside but they will never show it off. They keep their feelings inside them. They can easily pass critics on anything. They think that no other person can do the work what they can do with proper management, administration and planning. Because of this they don’t like to hand over their work to others. If they have to do so then they will think a lot on this and they will give small advices on the same to others.
As one of the qualities of  Mercury is language, therefore they have good hold on language. Most of the time they will be associated with business where language is the important key to success. They can be a  good lawyers, good commentator, good consultant, good teacher, good advisors, good writers, associated with book publishing, doing business related to book publishing. They can also do commission related business. Sometimes they will do lot of argument continuously and the others will be tired of the same. That means they can be good lawyers. Their mentality is to find the way from where they can make speedy benefits. They will always keep an eye on that. Using their language and relationship with high profile people they will try for speedy success in their life.     
Because of dual nature if they realize that there will be loss in their business then they will immediately change their decision. They are perfectionist but as per their  attitude, if there will be no proper result for their work then they will be depressed and lose interest in the same. They have interest towards advertisement, culture and art. They don’t like to keep patience for any work that needs long planning and time. They like to plan in a way that they should have the result instantly or in a shorter span of time with profit and benefit.
They can have a happy married life if they control on their language. They have interest in sex and most of the time they are very aggressive. They can give and take satisfaction in sex only if they are surrounded in a proper atmosphere.
Virgo sign females are very good and beautiful. If Virgo sign female is your life partner then you will have a successful life. Virgo sign females are very sensitive and caring nature , sharp minded and have control on their speech personality. They can impress others with their speech. They give full support to their life partners. Henceforth to get a Virgo sign female in your life is like a dream come true. Virgo sign female know how to maintain their house and take care of their family members in a proper way. Preference of responsibilities of a Virgo sign is like family then children, then life partner after that other family members and after all that if they have time then society. In general, they are family oriented people.   
General diseases in Virgo sign are low blood pressure, anemia and nervous system related issues or even skin diseases.  






Ø  As you believe in Give and Take policy but remember that it is not necessary, what you give that same you will get from others.
Ø  You have a dual personality nature means you take lot of time to take any decision. Remember if you won’t take proper decision at proper time then you may have to face the defeat.
Ø  If you are a lawyer then only go for argument otherwise if you argue with others then others will start maintaining distance from you.
Ø  If you handover any work to others than believe in them and please don’t interfere too much into that afterwards.
Ø  Please stick to one area of interest rather than keep on changing your area of interest.
Ø  Please focus on one goal or one subject.
Ø  Please feel free to take calculative risk at any point of time in your life in order to make more income.
Ø  Remember that don’t always opt for shortcuts in your life , sometimes that can be dangerous.  
Dilavarsinh Vaghela:-
The Best Life Consultant

Love you VIRGO – Dilavarsinh Vaghela

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Know all about LEO Sign

Know all about

Leo is a fiery sign, which means they are steady signs. They have full control on their life. When a Leo gets angry, they go beyond anger and stay steady for a long duration. They are very firm, practical, confident, ambitious, creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, encouraging. They loves life and expects to have a good time.

The symbol of Leo sign is Lion. As we all know that Leo has a specific strength and "king of the jungle" status. They are very strong, self respectful and warm hearted people. Leo often has too many friends because he is very generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, Leo is able to unite many groups of people at every opportunity.

People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. As we know that the symbol of Leo is Lion therefore they always like to live a life like a king size. They like if others will praise them. They like to keep friendship for a longer time with other people who will always praise them, encourage them and motivate them in their life. They like to do their work with well planning, proper administration and in an organized manner.

They don’t like “IF” & “BUT”. They will always take care of their status related to any work. They would love to go to places where they will get king size status. They don’t like to visit places or do any work where they will not get any status like king size. They like to express their qualities through their work. They like others to notice and recognize their qualities. The level of confidence in them is quite too high but sometimes they fail in their life due to over confidence.

 They easily trust other people and due to that they can be cheated easily by others. They would always be ready to do anything for others if they are happy with them. Simultaneously, they can destroy others if they are not happy with them. We can take their qualities in either way positively as well as negatively. They will always maintain their status even while doing charity or social work. They will be loyal while doing judgment. They will not be interested in favoritism. They will be sincere and loyal towards their judgment like a king.

They don’t feel ashamed doing their own work. They like to do their own work themselves. They don’t like to be dependent on others rather they like to be independent and self made. They are devotee towards their own work. Where ever they work they bring business to their boss or company. Leos tend to be very strong organizers capable of real leadership qualities, when they are the “Boss”. Sometimes they may become lethargic because of over confidence. This happens because they think that they can do the work in the given time. Most of the time, if you see people running after the bus, then definitely they will be Leo’s. No doubt they will be short of time, still they manage to complete their work on time. They are devotees towards their work. They are really good at creativity. They are fond of respect and they will always desire for the same at every step of their life. You will find superiority complex in most of the Leo’s.

They will look like cool people but volcano will always be active inside them. They like doing charity or social work. They are good at heart. They will never tolerate if someone tries to dominate them. But at the same time they know how to dominate others. They are ready to take high risk but in that also they have proper planning and calculation. Laziness is always within them but they have full control on them and due to that they can be active immediately whenever it will be needed. In Jungle there are many animals who are longer in height still the king of Jungle is Lion. The reason for Lion to be the king is that they are stronger in strength with excellent control on administration. Similarly Leo people will be different than others while administrating any work.

Leo sign people will have an average height. Most of them will be slim with broad chest and shoulder. Their walking style will be like a king. They will always walk by keeping their heads up. They will never walk by keeping their heads down. They have an impressive personality. Their main quality is loyalty. In early age they are thin but they love food. They love to spend for their food and others also. Due to this at later age they slowly become fat. As they are the king of the jungle, similarly they would like to spend for others, when they go for outing. They will never allow others to spend. As we all know that the Lion will die due to starving but will never eat grass. Same way they will not be satisfied if others try to dominate them at work. Due to this most of them like to do business. And if they are working for others than they would prefer to be at the top level or top position, where they can administer others and maintain their king size status.


The negative part in their life is over confidence and due to that sometimes they become egoistic. They like larger than life status and they don’t like to work for lower income or less status job. Their mentality is to do less work but that work should be impressive and must be of their status. As mentioned earlier that they don’t like others ruling them. They like to do things independently. They like to keep others under their supervision. They are fond of food. They like to spend with no limits. They like to follow the religion where they can spend and maintain their status. Others should praise them for their spending and beliefs. They like to show off a lot. They think a lot about the religion and like to remain steady.

Leo’s are good at education as they have a steady sign. Even in education they like to opt for domain where they can maintain their status. They don’t like to waste their time to study where there will be no status in future. They want others to praise them for choosing the right line and education which will give them status.

Savings of Leo will always be less as they like to spend on unnecessary things a lot in their life. Even they spend a lot just for show off. They are always ready to help others. They don’t think that what will happen to them if they help the others. Which means they are very generous people and most of the time others will try to take advantage of their generousness.

In their married life and relationship, they would like their life partner to do things as they say or want. In fact they like a life partner just like a showpiece. There also they will try to dominate their life partner. They will try to control them. They will always try to get what they like by hook or by crook. They consider their life partner as their own property and try to rule on them. Because of this there use to be disturbance in their married life as well as in their relationship. The main reason for this is their egoistic nature, ruling behavior and behave like a boss with their partners or relationship. Due to this there will be disturbance in their married life.

Like in history, king like to enjoy music and had interest in arts domain. Similarly Leo sign people have interest in Arts and they are appreciative of art. They themselves will choose to take up the art domain and if not then they will appreciate other artists.

Most of the successful bollywood actor or actress belongs to Leo ascendant. Like Shahrukh Khan, Rajnikant, etc. There will always be a possibility for success in whatever they do because of their creativity nature. They try to improve themselves every hour, minute, second. This is one of their quality.

They get overall sexual satisfaction. They even try to give the same to their partner. They are good at  managing any function. They can excel in the field of event management.

If we talk about Leo female then they are very proud of themselves, self-made, well planning, well managing and well administrative. Also they are very compassionate. They like to be the best host for the visitors at their house. They are good people. Their qualities are very good in sense of helping others, doing things in proper and administrative manner. Leo females don’t like their life partners to dominate them. The only compliant they use to have with their life partner is about domination. Due to this they don’t have proper reciprocity with their life partners.

Due to steady sign, Leo sign people like to achieve their goal. They don’t like to give up. Another quality in them is of taking others also with them to achieve the target. Sometimes they will be hurt due over confidence or for trusting others blindly. No doubt they are warm hearted but when they have to get the work done from others then they will order others. As they are king henceforth they follow the “Live life king size” lifestyle. They will always dominate in their family too. Even they want others to be their devotees. They will never spare their enemies and will always try to take revenge or harm them. Wherever they go they will have an impressive and attractive personality and because of that they will be distinctive from others.

If we talk about diseases then they will have high blood pressure, back pain, diseases related to bones, heart related issues, even there is possibility for diabetes. Most of the time they are harmed by insiders rather than outsiders and by the time they realize they will have heart issues. Even there is possibility for heart attack hence they should take care for the same. They should control their emotions. Usually they control their anger, still the volcano inside them can give side effect.

Ø  You are good at your skills along with in-built laziness. If you can overcome this than you will rock.
Ø  It is good to be confident. But try not to be over-confident.
Ø  Please have the attitude of let go. Don’t keep things in your heart that is hurting you because that will give adverse effect on your health.
Ø  You have lot of feelings within you but you don’t know how to express the same to others. Please try to control your ruling nature and try to express your feelings to others.
Ø  Please avoid unnecessary expense and focus on savings.
Ø  Please don’t be stubborn, and avoid doing things that will not be fruitful for you.
Ø  Please try to control your dominating in order to have a long lasting married life.
Ø  You know that you are performing well at your work place but you don’t get proper recognition for the same. In that case please have patience and keep performing well and wait for the right time. You will get proper recognition at the right time.
Ø  Please do partnership with proper legal deeds in order to avoid any kind of issues at later stage.  


Dilavarsinh Vaghela:-

The Best Life Consultant

Love you LEO – Dilavarsinh Vaghela

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Know all about GEMINI Sign

Know all about

Gemini sign have airy element and dual nature. The lord of Gemini sign is Mercury. Due to airy element geminian’s are bound to progress in their life. They like to use their brain as much as they can to complete any work. The symbol of Gemini sign is pair of male and female in Vedic astrology. The symbol indicates that if they have a nice life partner then they will have good progress in their life. The male geminian will always look for a female who has interest in art, culture, social work & good communication skill. Other side female geminian will always look for male who is strong enough to protect her. In short they try to fulfill the lacking qualities of each other by sharing and mutual understanding.

Most of the geminians will have good height and broad shoulder and wide chest. In early life they will have thin body but as the age increases and time passes their weight will also increase. They like to walk fast. In early life they take lot of time to make any decision due to dual nature.
They like to maintain their body and for that they will do exercise and will join gym to shape up their body. If they will not take care of their body then they may become fat and suffer obesity in their second adulthood means after the age of 45 years. They will always have the possibility of suffering from high blood pressure.

They are very practical in their life. They make their decisions diplomatically in order to achieve their goals. They are very intelligent & always very enthusiastic people. They feel pleasure and exaltation to welcome others in their life. It is quite difficult to judge from their face expression what they are thinking, because they will always have smile on their face while talking. Due to dual nature they are always very playful. Due to this some time the result will not be in their favour even though they are very intelligent by nature. Sometimes they fail to take proper decision at proper time due to that they get less success in their professional and business life.

They have the qualities and ability to become a politician and diplomat. Geminians are very sharp at their mind and if they want then they can easily target their goal in one go. Their dream is to become strong physically, mentally, financially and spiritually in order to succeed in their life. They like to fulfill their own wishes first and then they think about others. Due to their own interest and selfishness They know the way to fulfill their interest using their brain intelligently.

They have the qualities to get their work done by giving offers to others with less benefit. Geminians have their own interest while being generous to others. They have good command on language. They know how to manage their work professionally. They have long visionary.
They try to suppress their anger inside themselves and don’t like to show off. They are neither religious nor atheist. They like to follow their wisdom to accept their faith. They are practically and calculative follow the theory of religion. They will like to practice in such a spiritual field which is able to give them accomplishment.  

Sometimes we can see fierceness, cruelty, cold blooded and characterlessness in geminians. The main characteristics of geminians are psychological analysis. Because of this they continuously analysis and evaluate their thoughts, their speech, their action and their reaction.
They create big issue out of small thing because of their churning and logical mentality. They will always be curious to know the reason for any incident.

Their mentality is to get the work done through any mean and they don’t bother for others. They can change their moral values as per the situation. They are sound in theoretical knowledge rather than practical knowledge for taking any decision in their life. They are good with numbers and statistics. They are just like google with all the data. They have good communication skills to impress others.

Ø Please remember that certain things can be sorted out by taking right decision at the right time rather than over analysis.
Ø You will not get all solutions from google in your life. So please be practical about the same.
Ø Try to avoid unnecessary arguments and put your thoughts to the point.
Ø Avoid over analysis and churning.
Ø It is nice to be enthusiastic but think twice practically before starting any new venture.
Ø Please stop complaining about your problems and issues as others won’t be interested in that.
Ø I’ve learned – that heroes are the people who do what has to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.


Dilavarsinh Vaghela:-

The Best Life Consultant

Love you GEMINI  Dilavarsinh Vaghela


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Know all about Taurus sign

Know all about

Taurus sign is a steady sign and an earth element. The lord of Taurus sign is Venus. The qualities of earth is to accept and help to grow. They are stubborn by nature. The owner of this sign is Venus and due to that they like luxurious life. They are fond of art. They like to decorate their office as well as their house and that attracts others easily. Their simplicity is also very artistic.

They have above average height and broad chest and shoulder. Most of them are good looking with strong physic. There will be a glowing on their body. Most of them they are cool minded and they perfectly know what they need and how to achieve it. They have strong willingness for prosperity. They give an artistic touch to their each and every work they do in their life. They are reserve minded. They are straight forward only if they know that they have proper protection behind them.

People who are born in this sign are self centered and self defensive. They always take care of others in a proper way. They are not confident enough to take risk and at the same time they are not so bold to bear the loss.

They will take sufficient time to do any work with sufficient safety and care. They are ready to take calculative risk if needed. Because of this most of them they prefer to do job rather than business in their life. They don’t like speculative income and due to this they always go with fixed and steady income. Their aim is to fulfill their family’s wishes. They don’t like to change their thought due to steady sign and most of the time they end up with argument.

Normally they like to speak less and effective in their life. They don’t easily change their aim. They will try their best to achieve their goals and aim in their life.

They like short time education with immediate earnings. Their area of interest is in Arts, Jewellery, Design, film, fashionable clothes.

They like to collect items and ornaments and store it with them. They don’t like to share the same with others.

They don’t get angry easily but once if they are angry then it takes time to settle down. The symbol of Taurus is bull. As we all know that the bull is a quite animal but once the bull is angry then it will be hard to face the consequences. So please don’t get Taurus angry. If they have financial lose due to others then they will be angry.

They pretend to be very strong but in reality they are less. They don’t like to fight with others. They like to stay away from such situations. They have most caring personality. They welcome all the guest who come to their home with full respect and hospitality. Due to this they are very famous and respectable in their group.

Taurus are mostly self centered and selfish but they don’t show it off. They will always have a polished personality. They try to help others only when they know that they will be benefited by this.They have a good fashion sense. They are addicted to new electronic gazettes and latest fashion items in the market. If you want to buy good fashionable dress for reasonable price than take Taurus person with you. Taurus know very well which type of clothes will be more suitable on you.

Female with Taurus sign always keep their house well clean, decorated and well organized. They know how to run their house properly with less money. They will never spend on unnecessary items in their life. Taurus female can make their house more beautiful than heaven. They will always prepare tasty and well decorated dishes.

They like to follow old tradition and culture. They like luxury festivals but if they have to spend for the same then they don’t like it and they won’t be ready for it.

In reality they are near to atheism. If they want then they can have proper education. But if they realize that there will be irrelevant expenses for the education then they will stop education immediately. They don’t easily like to mingle with strangers.  

Most of them will have happy and comfortable married life. There will be very less possibility for divorce. They are very well balanced in sexual life. They are very good at sex at both end. Just like the symbol of Taurus is bull, like that they are very strong in sex activities. There will be possibility for extra-marital affairs but everything remains undercover. So that their family should not be disturbed at all. Firstly they will like to think for themselves and then for life partner and then for children and then for family and after all that if still they have space then they will think for others.


Ø If you want to be successful in your life than go for long vision instead of short vision.
Ø If you want to expand yourself than break the safety cover which is around you.
Ø Please don’t be depressed or disturbed upon loss in the business or finance.
Ø To become rich, please don’t take any wrong step.
Ø Please don’t be stubborn, please try to be flexible.
Ø Please try not be selfish and self centered rather try to come out of polished personality.
Ø Take proper risk at proper time.
Ø Always keep the artistic inside you alive.


Dilavarsinh Vaghela:-

The Best Life Consultant

Love you Taurus  Dilavarsinh Vaghela


Tathaastu (Best Wishes),

Shree. Dilavarsinh Vaghela,
Life Consultant
Bhagvad Astro Vaastu Reasearch Centre
Contach No.: +91 97121 80808
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