Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Know all about

Sagittarius sign is a fiery sign with dual nature. The lord of Sagittarius is Jupiter. They become angry with wisdom trail. They have good knowledge about the religion. They have ego of their intelligence and skills. The symbol of Sagittarius is half man and half horse with bows and arrow in his hand. The man has aimed his target. It means the person born under Sagittarius sign are very much dedicated towards their goal. They are hard working people. They are always prepared to fight the battle of their life. In the symbol man indicates intelligence and wisdom. The horse indicates power and energy. Sagittarians are combination of wisdom and extraordinary power. The lord of Sagittarius sign is Jupiter & that’s why when someone surrender in front of them then they will pardon them.   

Sagittarians have strong body and average height. They have wide shoulders and long legs. They are always charged with full of energy. They are too much aggressive in their routine life. One of their qualities is to be straight forward. They will always prefer to speak in front of others rather than speaking behind them. Sometimes, due to this quality others may not like to be in their circle because others can’t digest the truth. They are very enthusiastic, hard working, altruistic, selfless, full of confidence.

Sometimes Sagittarians become lethargic due to over confidence. They will work only if they realize the importance of the work. If you ask Sagittarian to do some work then they may or may not to it. It all depends if they understand the importance of it. You can’t force them to do the same. They are very firm of their principles. They like to utilize their complete brain to do some work. They will always be prepared and eager to achieve their goal. They will immediately be ready to start the work if an opportunity is given to them. They are really concerned about their physics and for that they do exercise in the gym.  

Sagittarians are fond of animals. They like to take care of the animals. They like to read a lot about animals. If you visit a person and found that the person is having animal at his/her home then definitely that person will be in the influence of Sagittarius sign. They like to go in deep and gain more knowledge about religion. They like to walk on the path of knowledge and yoga. They have altruistic nature but they will only help others when they believe that the other person is really needy.

They like to donate to only a needy person. There is less possibility of success in financial area. Among twelve zodiac sign, Sagittarius has to face lot of struggle in all area of their life. But if they will be successful then it will be at the top level. They don’t like to praise or entertain others. They have very good management power. They are always ready to be a leader and to take up the challenges related to leadership. There is very less possibility in Sagittarians to be a King, but they can be very good at King maker. If you have taken the training from Sagittarians then no one can beat you. They are very strict as a teacher.      

Sagittarians use to have an average married life. Generally little acting is needed for a happy married life but with Sagittarians it is not possible because they are always straight forward. If they find any mistake in their life partners side then they will try to correct the same in a strict manner. Because of this there may be quarrel & argument in their married life. They can be a good dictator in their life. Being a dictator they will respect the qualities of others. They don’t believe in slavery rather they believe in independence of others. The meaning of democracy for them is different from others.

If we talk about education then Sagittarians complete their education in breaks and not in a continuous process. They have to face hurdles in their education. It is possible they will not get the degree but their knowledge will be sound enough. They will have very good practical knowledge than theoretical, which they will get from real life. They don’t have complete family satisfaction at all. Due to dual nature they can’t make proper decision in their life at proper time and sometimes that can also harm to their life. But they give very good advice to others.   

Sagittarian females are with non compromising nature. Sometimes they have too much stubborn personality, that’s why they have to face problems with their partner and in laws. They don’t like to forgive others for any reason at all. They are very good in their professional life. But they have one quality to make place in your heart, which you can’t forget. Life partner of Sagittarius woman will realize, whatever they have said in the past is true. Generally Sagittarius woman are pure hearted. They are like an incense stick burning but giving fresh and beautiful fragrance around them.

v  It is not important how you present the truth, but it is more important the way you present the truth.

v  Struggle is like an in-built app on your life mobile and you have to go along with it.

v  It is good if you can do acting a little bit in your life as the whole world is like a drama and everyone is doing acting. So please polish your personality and give a soft touch to your thoughts.

v  Sometimes you may feel that the others are totally wrong, but don’t react to it till you become a boss. Because boss is always right.

v  Your intelligence and knowledge are very good but sometimes that may put you in top of ego level.

v  Don’t worry if you can’t be a king but you have the quality to make thousands of kings.

v  Please don’t order or punish anyone in the society because you are not a judge and the society is not your courtroom.

v  It is possible that others may not give importance to you because they don’t know your value but you know.


Dilavarsinh Vaghela:-

The Best Life Consultant


Love you SAGITTARIUS – Dilavarsinh Vaghela

Wednesday, June 15, 2016



This article about business is dedicated to my followers as they desperately want me to write about the same. After reading this article, my followers and other astrologers will have clear picture about the power and success of astrology in the topic of business. It will be very easy for them to explain to their clients that which business will be better and profitable for them.

Have you ever thought that some people will study in other field with distinction, but doing some other work. They are earning more income in that other work. Why this happens? Now, I’m going to disclose this secret with all of you.

We all know that in astrology the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Most of the astrologers by keeping this in mind will advice their clients. But they don’t verify that this planetary position is connected with the source of income or not. In astrology, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house indicates the source of income.

If the lord of 5th house is connected with these houses then there will be greater possibility to make higher income from what they have studied. But if the lord of 5th house is not connected with these houses then there is very less possibility of making income from what they have studied. Then what? As per my opinion, the houses that indicates the flow of money and the planets situated in these houses should be merged then you should advice them as per the planetary position to select that type of field of education. It means the planets that are connected with the houses of source of income then the field of education also should be related as per that planet. I will explain in my next blog about the branches of education will be preferable for the student. Now we will discuss about which type of business is preferable for our clients.

First of all, we have to find which planet is powerfully in sense of sign & houses situated in which house. As per astrology in the natal chart the planets connected with 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house & 11th house has the power to make more income.

Please see below to know about the planets which are stronger in these houses and you can guide your clients to do this type of business. Means which planet indicates which type of business.

SATURN -  Saturn indicates these type of businesses

Business related to all types of metals, manufacturing, Job Work, Sub Contractor, Laborer, Architectural, Civil Work, Constructional Work, building materials, plumbing, Business related to all types of labor works, Justice, Business related to all type of hard work (Body work), Wood, Chemicals, Oil beans, Technical Work, Maintenance, Business related to all type of work which will take long time, Cements, Mines, Coals, Archaeology, Research Work, Finance, Economics, Whole seller, Malls & Super Markets, Provision Store, Grass, Farming, Land Developing, Banking, Packaging, Carpenter, Shoe Cobbler, Servant & Servant provider, Sweeper, Gardener, Poultry Farm, Antic items, Junk Dealer, Animal Lover, Weigh Machine, Business related to all types of workshop, politics, Orphan houses, Museum, Safety & Security Items, Business related to elementary knowledge, Oil, petrol, Gasoline, Crude Oil, Civil, Mechanical Work, CA (Chartered Accountant), CS (Company Secretary), Engineering Works, Commerce Field, Shares, Stock and Commodity.  


RAHU (Dragon head, North Node) -  Rahu indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to automobiles, Engineering, Technical Works, Magic and magic Equipments related to magic work, Poisonous drugs, pesticides, Fertilizers, Anesthesia, Chemical, Antibiotics, Pharmacy, Pathology, Lab Technician, Liquor, steroids, anti-social works, Fraudulent works,  Bankruptcy, Hypnotism, Physiologist, Detective Agency, Illusionist, Secret Hidden Science, Hidden Works, Black Magic, Mines, Smuggling, Business related to all type of drugs, Luxurious things, Gambling, Betting, Speculations, lottery, Derby, Liquor, Manufacturing &Trading, Data Analysis, Foreign Languages, Export & Imports.   

KETU (Dragon Tail, South Node) -  Ketu indicates these type of businesses.

 Business related to all type of seasonal works, Multi businesses, Religious things, Gas, Fire, All type of metal works, Process work, cattle breeding , Farming, Pets, Detective works, Power boosters, Drugs and equipments, Gym, All the things related to forest, Chemical, Spiritual Works, Things which have strong fragrance, Doctors, Computer, Multi manufacturing, Whole seller, Ancient Science, Mythology, Culture & rituals, Astrology, Spiritual Field other than education, Multi tasking business, Business related to Force in cense of energy, Sports and sports goods, transport, heavy vehicles

Saturday, June 11, 2016



This article about business is dedicated to my followers as they desperately want me to write about the same. After reading this article, my followers and other astrologers will have clear picture about the power and success of astrology in the topic of business. It will be very easy for them to explain to their clients that which business will be better and profitable for them.

Have you ever thought that some people will study in other field with distinction, but doing some other work. They are earning more income in that other work. Why this happens? Now, I’m going to disclose this secret with all of you.

We all know that in astrology the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Most of the astrologers by keeping this in mind will advice their clients. But they don’t verify that this planetary position is connected with the source of income or not. In astrology, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house indicates the source of income.

If the lord of 5th house is connected with these houses then there will be greater possibility to make higher income from what they have studied. But if the lord of 5th house is not connected with these houses then there is very less possibility of making income from what they have studied. Then what? As per my opinion, the houses that indicates the flow of money and the planets situated in these houses should be merged then you should advice them as per the planetary position to select that type of field of education. It means the planets that are connected with the houses of source of income then the field of education also should be related as per that planet. I will explain in my next blog about the branches of education will be preferable for the student. Now we will discuss about which type of business is preferable for our clients.

First of all, we have to find which planet is powerfully in sense of sign & houses situated in which house. As per astrology in the natal chart the planets connected with 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house & 11th house has the power to make more income.

Please see below to know about the planets which are stronger in these houses and you can guide your clients to do this type of business. Means which planet indicates which type of business.

MERCURY – Mercury indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to consulting, education and all the business related to education. Business related to writing and publishing. Business related to commission and bankers. Business related to post and courier, telephone, computer, calculator. Business related to radio broadcasting, telecommunication, television broadcasting, advertisement, transport, travels. Business related to guide, currency. Business related to stocks, commodity. Business related to lawyer, Judge. Business related to mediator, Business coordinator and developer. Business related to finance, editor. Business related to telephonic works, call centers. Business related to marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), web developing. Business related to public relation. Business related to miscellaneous works. Business related to advisor, critics writing, General stores, stock broker, hotels, cotton and all type of traders (trading business). Business related to teacher, Professor, Principal, Trustee and Accountant. Business related to Insurance Agent, all type of types of clerical work, News paper and Newspaper Editor, Content Writer, Journalist, Publisher, Book Seller. Business related to silver, all types of grains, vegetable & fruits. Business related to paper Film Industry Proof Reader. Business related to Inspirational & motivational Video makers, language Experts, Translator. Business related to all type of work related to mind and not related to body work. Business related to skin specialist, psychologist, Neurologist, Mimicry Artist.

JUPITER – Jupiter indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to charity work, Business related to Social Work, Business related to religious rituals, Business related to spirituality, Business related to yoga, Business related to Influencer, Business related to work where you will have many followers, Business related to hotels and restaurant, Motels, Business related to retreat center, Business related to rehabilitation center, Business related to education, Business related to all type of charity works, Business related to NGO, Business related to schools and colleges, Institute, Business related to all type of food products, Business related to Cakes and Sweet Maker, Business related to Chocolates, Business related to milk products, oil, Business of all types of religious products, Business related to higher education, Business related to Law, Business related to Judge, Business related to catering, Business related to CA (Chartered Accountant) Business related to Banking, Business related to Government jobs, Business related to Offset work, Business related to lawyer, Business related to publisher, Business related to Scientist, Business related to religious leader, Business related to religious speaker, Business of all things related to prayer, Master of ancient medicines.

VENUS -  Venus indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to luxury and luxury items, Business related to film, acting, Drama, Story writing, director, choreographer, Business related to all type of latest electronic gazettes, medicines, Public relationship, Social worker, politics, Dance bars, Hotels, Restaurant, Motels, sex toys, Business related to sex activities, Business related to escort services, Business related to beauty products, Saloon, Business related to deodorants, Business related to toilet Soaps, Shampoo, Painting, Music, Dance, Poetry, Business related to cultural activities, Business related to event management, Fashion, Miracles, Business of all types of highly valuable things, Business related to ladies product, Business related to Jewellery, decoration, interior designing, architecture, Readymade Garments, Branded Clothes, Silver, diamonds,  Business related to fragrance products, Business related to tasty food, Soft drinks, cosmetics, Deodorant Soaps, Business related to Micro designing, Furniture, , Writer, Poet, Producer, Expensive Toys, Fashion, Designing, Animation.

Monday, June 6, 2016



This article about business is dedicated to my followers as they desperately want me to write about the same. After reading this article, my followers and other astrologers will have clear picture about the power and success of astrology in the topic of business. It will be very easy for them to explain to their clients that which business will be better and profitable for them.

Have you ever thought that some people will study in other field with distinction, but doing some other work. They are earning more income in that other work. Why this happens? Now, I’m going to disclose this secret with all of you.

We all know that in astrology the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Most of the astrologers by keeping this in mind will advice their clients. But they don’t verify that this planetary position is connected with the source of income or not. In astrology, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house indicates the source of income.

If the lord of 5th house is connected with these houses then there will be greater possibility to make higher income from what they have studied. But if the lord of 5th house is not connected with these houses then there is very less possibility of making income from what they have studied. Then what? As per my opinion, the houses that indicates the flow of money and the planets situated in these houses should be merged then you should advice them as per the planetary position to select that type of field of education. It means the planets that are connected with the houses of source of income then the field of education also should be related as per that planet. I will explain in my next blog about the branches of education will be preferable for the student. Now we will discuss about which type of business is preferable for our clients.

First of all, we have to find which planet is powerfully in sense of sign & houses situated in which house. As per astrology in the natal chart the planets connected with 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house & 11th house has the power to make more income.

Please see below to know about the planets which are stronger in these houses and you can guide your clients to do this type of business. Means which planet indicates which type of business.

SUN – Sun indicates these type of businesses.

Government related business, tenders related to government, Semi-government, export and import, canteen in government areas, gold business, power and energy businesses, business with tycoons, food  cooperation, tea garden, business from plants and greenstuff, medicines related to heart, any business related to heart problem, business related to eyes problem, research and creativity field businesses, financier business, business related to woolen clothes, medical stores, business related to pharmacy, business related to foodgrains, research in science field, science, Maser of Business Administration, law, politics, all businesses that will give status and fame, producers of the film line.

MOON – Moon indicates these type of businesses.

 Business related to milk, business related to cold drink, hot drink & soft drink. Business related to water, silver, Sailors, business with foreign country, Business related to tours, travels and immigration, All businesses that are done in the night hours, readymade garments, farming, poultry farm, nursery, toys, vegetables, seasonal business, transport, salt, silk, polyester clothes, all type of designing field, writing, art, education related to children, child care, pediatric, expert related to ladies medical problems, doctor, psychiatric, ice cream.

MARS -  Mars indicates these type of businesses.
Business related to hard work, all type of machinery, electrics and electronics, business related to fire. Inflammable things, gold, chemical, sports, Yoga, farming, all the things that are related to farming, in sense of material, fertilizer and pesticide, CA, House, land & land developing  related business, gym, business related to sports item and equipment, spicy ingredients, defense, business related to sex therapy, business related to all type of sex, surgery, vehicles, automobiles, computer, auto parts, all type of business related with foreigner, engineering, mechanical, business related to all type of repairing, business related to maintaining all types of equipment, business related to spare parts, illegal business, drugs, sports equipment, business related to all type of adventurous work, oil, business related to gasoline, business related to petrol, business related to mines, business related to all type of fire.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Know all about

Scorpio sign is a watery sign with steady mentality. Scorpion’s are emotional with deep feelings by nature. They like to do things only after deep research. They have good memory skill. They can easily judge others just by looking at them. They have strong belief in spirituality due to watery sign. They like to discover hidden secrets related to spiritual and religious beliefs. They also have interest to know more about astrology and ayurveda. Scorpions are very intelligent. They symbol of scorpion sign is Scorpio. Just as the Scorpio bites similarly they don't like others to cheat them. If that happens then they take rebel in the same manner. If others will do good for them then they will remember that and will definitely return the favor.

Scorpions are above medium height, thin body at the earlier age, broad chest, with strong shoulder. They have very strong and good grip on anything just like Scorpio. They have wet type of skin due to watery sign.  

Scorpions are strong, adventurous and supportive by nature. Still they have fear and doubt in their mind. Scorpions are very energetic at the beginning of any work, later on they will analyze and do calculations related to that work. That means they are not good at the order of process related to any work. They will always think about the negative side rather than the positive side for any work. Due to that they will be scared to start that work. They will always look for supportive people after starting any adventurous or risky work. They can achieve greater height and success in their work if they have mental support from others. Scorpions believe in religious beliefs and would like to do the same throughout their life. They strongly trust in the religious rituals. Very rarely you can find atheist in Scorpions people. Sometimes they will do prayers for hours.

The possibilities of extra marital affairs is very less in Scorpions, because due to watery sign.  They are scared of slander from the society and even they have the fear of what others will speak about damaging their reputation. They are scared to discuss about their heterogeneous sex with others. Finally we can say that scorpions are trustworthy related to sex and they will always be 100% devoted to their life partner. They will have lot of fantasy related to sex in their mind but they will never apply it in their real life.

 Most of them like to spend on food and even they know where they can find the best place to have their delicious food. They like to spend on food not only for themselves but even for others. Their hobbies include reading, writing and religious activities. They have very good married life. Their sex life is also very good. They love their children very much rather they blindly love them. If you see someone is fighting with other for their child than definitely that person will be a scorpion. Normally they are successful in business but they prefer to do job at their earlier age. They would like to grab the experience and use it later in their own business. Many times they fall due to obstacles in their business but sooner they patch up and regain their control on the business.

They have the ability to understand other people and they can easily analyze and know for what they are expert in and will get the work done from them. They are good at education and can achieve great success if they want to do so. Sooner or later they like to practice religious beliefs in their own life. They can advice others in traditional ways related to religious rituals. They have immense interest in astrology whether they may or may not have proper knowledge about astrology field.

Scorpion can become saint, famous ascetic, if they can control and channelize their sexual energy. If they can convert their sex force into work force then they can be a great famous saint. There is possibility in scorpions to be an imposter or fraudulent saint, because they have the capability to impress and have control on others mind easily.

Scorpion females are very sharp minded and loving by nature. They like to take proper care of their child, life partner & their family. They are strong enough to protect their family from others. They will never spare others if others will try to harm or damage the reputation of their family. They are very good at administration and management work. Because of this they can easily manage & administer their work at office as well as at home. As the lord of scorpion is Mars due to this they have immense power and quality of leadership. Female scorpions are much better to have as life partner.

  •    You are intelligent and hard worker but you are not much successful because you care for the comments from others about you.
  •  Scorpion is a steady sign and gives stubborn nature to you. So that sometimes you have to face loss in your life.
  • You are too much concerned about your children and due to this sometimes your children like to avoid you in their personal matters.
  • You are interested in steady income and due to this you may not be interested to take calculative risk. This type of mentality force you to do job rather than business.
  • Please try to be a God loving person rather than God fearing person.
  • Please share your feelings or love for others immediately rather than to keep it secret for a longer time.
  • Sometimes your language or behavior become aggressive and may hurt others.
  • Please try to be extrovert rather than introvert.


Dilavarsinh Vaghela:-

The Best Life Consultant

Love you SCORPIO – Dilavarsinh Vaghela