Saturday, June 11, 2016



This article about business is dedicated to my followers as they desperately want me to write about the same. After reading this article, my followers and other astrologers will have clear picture about the power and success of astrology in the topic of business. It will be very easy for them to explain to their clients that which business will be better and profitable for them.

Have you ever thought that some people will study in other field with distinction, but doing some other work. They are earning more income in that other work. Why this happens? Now, I’m going to disclose this secret with all of you.

We all know that in astrology the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Most of the astrologers by keeping this in mind will advice their clients. But they don’t verify that this planetary position is connected with the source of income or not. In astrology, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house indicates the source of income.

If the lord of 5th house is connected with these houses then there will be greater possibility to make higher income from what they have studied. But if the lord of 5th house is not connected with these houses then there is very less possibility of making income from what they have studied. Then what? As per my opinion, the houses that indicates the flow of money and the planets situated in these houses should be merged then you should advice them as per the planetary position to select that type of field of education. It means the planets that are connected with the houses of source of income then the field of education also should be related as per that planet. I will explain in my next blog about the branches of education will be preferable for the student. Now we will discuss about which type of business is preferable for our clients.

First of all, we have to find which planet is powerfully in sense of sign & houses situated in which house. As per astrology in the natal chart the planets connected with 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house & 11th house has the power to make more income.

Please see below to know about the planets which are stronger in these houses and you can guide your clients to do this type of business. Means which planet indicates which type of business.

MERCURY – Mercury indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to consulting, education and all the business related to education. Business related to writing and publishing. Business related to commission and bankers. Business related to post and courier, telephone, computer, calculator. Business related to radio broadcasting, telecommunication, television broadcasting, advertisement, transport, travels. Business related to guide, currency. Business related to stocks, commodity. Business related to lawyer, Judge. Business related to mediator, Business coordinator and developer. Business related to finance, editor. Business related to telephonic works, call centers. Business related to marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), web developing. Business related to public relation. Business related to miscellaneous works. Business related to advisor, critics writing, General stores, stock broker, hotels, cotton and all type of traders (trading business). Business related to teacher, Professor, Principal, Trustee and Accountant. Business related to Insurance Agent, all type of types of clerical work, News paper and Newspaper Editor, Content Writer, Journalist, Publisher, Book Seller. Business related to silver, all types of grains, vegetable & fruits. Business related to paper Film Industry Proof Reader. Business related to Inspirational & motivational Video makers, language Experts, Translator. Business related to all type of work related to mind and not related to body work. Business related to skin specialist, psychologist, Neurologist, Mimicry Artist.

JUPITER – Jupiter indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to charity work, Business related to Social Work, Business related to religious rituals, Business related to spirituality, Business related to yoga, Business related to Influencer, Business related to work where you will have many followers, Business related to hotels and restaurant, Motels, Business related to retreat center, Business related to rehabilitation center, Business related to education, Business related to all type of charity works, Business related to NGO, Business related to schools and colleges, Institute, Business related to all type of food products, Business related to Cakes and Sweet Maker, Business related to Chocolates, Business related to milk products, oil, Business of all types of religious products, Business related to higher education, Business related to Law, Business related to Judge, Business related to catering, Business related to CA (Chartered Accountant) Business related to Banking, Business related to Government jobs, Business related to Offset work, Business related to lawyer, Business related to publisher, Business related to Scientist, Business related to religious leader, Business related to religious speaker, Business of all things related to prayer, Master of ancient medicines.

VENUS -  Venus indicates these type of businesses.

Business related to luxury and luxury items, Business related to film, acting, Drama, Story writing, director, choreographer, Business related to all type of latest electronic gazettes, medicines, Public relationship, Social worker, politics, Dance bars, Hotels, Restaurant, Motels, sex toys, Business related to sex activities, Business related to escort services, Business related to beauty products, Saloon, Business related to deodorants, Business related to toilet Soaps, Shampoo, Painting, Music, Dance, Poetry, Business related to cultural activities, Business related to event management, Fashion, Miracles, Business of all types of highly valuable things, Business related to ladies product, Business related to Jewellery, decoration, interior designing, architecture, Readymade Garments, Branded Clothes, Silver, diamonds,  Business related to fragrance products, Business related to tasty food, Soft drinks, cosmetics, Deodorant Soaps, Business related to Micro designing, Furniture, , Writer, Poet, Producer, Expensive Toys, Fashion, Designing, Animation.

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