Monday, June 6, 2016



This article about business is dedicated to my followers as they desperately want me to write about the same. After reading this article, my followers and other astrologers will have clear picture about the power and success of astrology in the topic of business. It will be very easy for them to explain to their clients that which business will be better and profitable for them.

Have you ever thought that some people will study in other field with distinction, but doing some other work. They are earning more income in that other work. Why this happens? Now, I’m going to disclose this secret with all of you.

We all know that in astrology the fifth lord in natal chart indicates what to study. Most of the astrologers by keeping this in mind will advice their clients. But they don’t verify that this planetary position is connected with the source of income or not. In astrology, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house indicates the source of income.

If the lord of 5th house is connected with these houses then there will be greater possibility to make higher income from what they have studied. But if the lord of 5th house is not connected with these houses then there is very less possibility of making income from what they have studied. Then what? As per my opinion, the houses that indicates the flow of money and the planets situated in these houses should be merged then you should advice them as per the planetary position to select that type of field of education. It means the planets that are connected with the houses of source of income then the field of education also should be related as per that planet. I will explain in my next blog about the branches of education will be preferable for the student. Now we will discuss about which type of business is preferable for our clients.

First of all, we have to find which planet is powerfully in sense of sign & houses situated in which house. As per astrology in the natal chart the planets connected with 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house & 11th house has the power to make more income.

Please see below to know about the planets which are stronger in these houses and you can guide your clients to do this type of business. Means which planet indicates which type of business.

SUN – Sun indicates these type of businesses.

Government related business, tenders related to government, Semi-government, export and import, canteen in government areas, gold business, power and energy businesses, business with tycoons, food  cooperation, tea garden, business from plants and greenstuff, medicines related to heart, any business related to heart problem, business related to eyes problem, research and creativity field businesses, financier business, business related to woolen clothes, medical stores, business related to pharmacy, business related to foodgrains, research in science field, science, Maser of Business Administration, law, politics, all businesses that will give status and fame, producers of the film line.

MOON – Moon indicates these type of businesses.

 Business related to milk, business related to cold drink, hot drink & soft drink. Business related to water, silver, Sailors, business with foreign country, Business related to tours, travels and immigration, All businesses that are done in the night hours, readymade garments, farming, poultry farm, nursery, toys, vegetables, seasonal business, transport, salt, silk, polyester clothes, all type of designing field, writing, art, education related to children, child care, pediatric, expert related to ladies medical problems, doctor, psychiatric, ice cream.

MARS -  Mars indicates these type of businesses.
Business related to hard work, all type of machinery, electrics and electronics, business related to fire. Inflammable things, gold, chemical, sports, Yoga, farming, all the things that are related to farming, in sense of material, fertilizer and pesticide, CA, House, land & land developing  related business, gym, business related to sports item and equipment, spicy ingredients, defense, business related to sex therapy, business related to all type of sex, surgery, vehicles, automobiles, computer, auto parts, all type of business related with foreigner, engineering, mechanical, business related to all type of repairing, business related to maintaining all types of equipment, business related to spare parts, illegal business, drugs, sports equipment, business related to all type of adventurous work, oil, business related to gasoline, business related to petrol, business related to mines, business related to all type of fire.

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